Supporting Interfaces

Wednesday, July 24, 2013.
Posted by Travis Heidbrink

As a Product Support Specialist, I get the opportunity to provide support for different types of interfaces. One of the most rewarding parts of my job is spending time talking with clients and hearing about how much of their time and extra work is saved by using our interfaces. I often hear stories about how a client used to enter the same data into multiple applications and now they are able to enter that data one time into ledsSuite and it is automatically populated into the other applications.


One of the things that makes supporting interfaces unique is I get to work not only with the clients that use ledsSuite, but also with the various vendors that we interface with. One area that we take great pride in is providing best-in-class support. When we get a call from a client, we take the time to talk with them and get all of the details about the situation. Anyone that ever calls us for support on an interface never feels like they are being rushed off the phone. Often times, when we get a call, we are able to pull various Zuercher Technologies experts into the call as well as the vendor and talk about the problem and have it solved in that same phone call. If it happens to be something that can’t be solved immediately, our clients may be assured we are working hard behind the scenes with our vendors and in-house experts to resolve any problems as quickly as possible.


With the number of interfaces in ledsSuite, it really is exciting to know the benefits that these interfaces provide as well as how our support helps to make a difference. Zuercher Technologies is constantly adding new interfaces to the mix, which keeps things interesting as there are always new things to learn. It is reassuring to our support team and our client agencies that we have a consistent methodology for developing, implementing and managing all of them. It’s exciting to see what these interfaces can do for our clients to make their lives easier so they have a better experience with ledsSuite and are able to accomplish more work in a given amount of time.


The next time you have a question or problem related to ledsSuite, please don’t hesitate to contact our Support Team. And rest assured that with our support, you will never be treated like just another number.